任天堂發表人臉訓練(DS Face Training)

任天堂從不停止去支援妳的身心每個部分. 這家公司公佈了下個世代的DS-based的戰利品在Otona No DS - or成人臉訓練 Adult Face Training的形式上.

In Nintendo’s never ending quest to bolster every part of your mind and body, the company has revealed the next step in its DS-based conquest in the form of Otona No DS - or Adult Face Training.

有個攝影機加裝於Game Boy Advance slot 在Nintendo DS上。透過拍攝你的臉讓你成為遊戲當中的腳色. 這個概念在主體後是日本人稱之為"做臉"(“facening”)或者是美顏運動(facial exercises). 透過執行一個特定的轉換, 妳可以運動你的骨架上的皮膚肌肉。讓你更吸引人與看起來更年輕.

The title includes a camera that plugs into the Game Boy Advance slot at the base of the Nintendo DS, which videos your face as you play the game. The concept behind the title is what the Japanese call “facening” or facial exercises. By performing certain contortions, you can exercise the muscles under the skin around your skull, making it more taught and appearing younger.

做臉專家Fumiko Inudo藉由她的‘facepertice’進入遊戲, 這是透過Fire Emblem makers Intelligent Systems所共同發展的. 在圖示當中, 遊戲會要求玩家去閉上她的右眼當她的嘴唇嘟向同一個方向. 這可能給她一個較為豐滿與紅潤的臉頰.

Facening expert Fumiko Inudo lends her ‘facepertice’ to the game, which is co-developed by Fire Emblem makers Intelligent Systems. In the illustration above, the game asks the player to close her right eye while her mouth is scrunched up to the same side. This is probably to give her fuller, rosier cheeks.

你們怎麼想呢?人臉訓練是否讓任天堂與不玩遊戲的人距離不那麼遠呢?或者只是自然的演進, 你會自己看自己去假扮一個痛苦的表情以你的額頭, 嘴唇與臉頰以你的適當順序去恢復更年輕的肌膚呢?

What do you guys think? Is Face Training taking Nintendo’s appeal with the DS to non-gamers a little too far, or is it just a natural progression? Can you see yourself performing painful gestures with your forehead, lips and cheeks with your portable in order to retain (or regain) a youthful complexion?

在其他方面, 我們好奇攝影機如何增加其他的應用在未來的專案上, 成人臉訓練將在日本時間八月二日以四千八百日元(相當於四十美元)發表, 尚未確認有歐美地區的版本發表訊息.

On another note, we wonder how the camera add-on might be used for future projects.
Adult Face Training will be released in Japan on August 2 for 4,800 Yen (about $40 USD), though no release in Western regions has yet been confirmed.
